What is title tag? 4 ways to optimize title tags and 4 mistakes to avoid

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What is a title tag, how to write a standard title tag. Optimal methods and mistakes to avoid when writing title tags. All are clarified in this article.

Come on, let’s get started!

What is title tag? What is a title tag?

Title tag, also known as title tag – the shortest, most accurate description of the content on the page. Simply put, the title tag is the name of the website for Google bot.

The nature of the title tag is to accurately and concisely describe the content of the page. It helps Google bot and users understand what the website is talking about.

How to write HTML title tag on page

The HTML title tag will have the following format on the page


<title>title tag</title>


Title tag optimization template

Sample title tags: “main keyword – secondary keyword | brandname”

Optimal title tag length

Google usually displays title tags around 70 characters or less. Must satisfy the appropriate length condition of 512 pixels.

In case of longer writing, the page title tag will display as 3 dots. Causes aesthetic loss and may lack content.

Furthermore, the ability to display the correct title tag of the website is very low. Google will display a different title for the page according to the content contained on the page.

Title tag optimized content

The content of the title tag needs to be accurate and concise. Correctly describe the content, create an impressive message to users.

Make sure Google bot easily navigates and displays search results. It’s best to write different title tags for different pages.

What is the importance of title tag?

Title tag – the title tag is the main content described on the page. It is one of the most important factors in Onpage SEO.

Allows users and Google Bot to understand the main topic the page is talking about.

And it is also a must-have for websites using HTML or XHTML programming languages.

Title tags are also considered an important factor in creating user experience. Search engine optimization.

Instructions on 4 ways to optimize title tags – title tag

Page title tags are an important element of Onpage SEO optimization. However, optimizing title tags is not as difficult as you think.

Just know a few SEO tips below and they will bring you great results.

4 ways to optimize page title tags that you need to know to test your website:

Place keywords at the beginning of the title

Placing keywords at the beginning of the title gives the website many advantages in ranking search results.

Putting keywords at the beginning of the title also helps increase the rate of users clicking on the website.

Pay attention to the length of the title

As stated, the title should not be more than 55 – 60 characters or more than 512 pixels.

If the title is too long, a “…” mark will appear to indicate that the title has been cut off. Thus, users cannot understand the content or message transmitted. Reduce click rate.

Add brand keywords to the title

Many SEO experts around the world recommend that website owners add their brand name to the title tag.

Including the brand name in the title tag will increase business awareness in the target market. Increase trust and strength of corporate brand.

If your brand is famous, it is enough to make a difference in your CTR compared to your competitors.

If the brand is less known or relevant compared to the keywords. Placing keywords at the beginning of the title and placing the brand name at the end of the title.

Write titles that are natural, easy to read, and have an emotional impact

Creating an impressive title tag will attract more users from search traffic.

It will be important for website content managers to think about writing an attractive title. Accompanied by combining the title with important keywords on the page.

Because the title is the first interaction of users ( unique visitors ) when accessing the website. The first look will create a strong impression that makes users click on the website.

Therefore, create the most impressive title to convey the message and attract users on search results.

4 things to avoid when writing title tags

Below are 4 things that website content writers need to avoid when writing title tags for websites

  • Do not write identical titles to each other
  • Avoid writing titles that are too long or too short
  • Avoid adding unnecessary keywords to title tags
  • Avoid overusing title tags to stuff SEO keywords

Mistake in title tag length

Pixels not characters

As mentioned in the title length section, a title should not exceed 55 – 60 characters, writing more will be truncated. But there are also some cases where writing a title of more than 55 – 60 characters is still displayed.

In this case, you must pay attention to the important part is the PIXEL, not the character.

The new pixel is the essence of determining the length of a title. Therefore, instead of having to write 55 60 characters, you need to write so that the title is no more than 512 pixels.

Factors affecting pixel length

Each character in the ASCII code table has its own pixel width. The difference depends on the font as well as the size within a font.

Bold and italic fonts will take up more space than lowercase letters.

Another point to note is that uppercase letters will have a different pixel width than lowercase letters.

Some sentence separators will take up a larger amount of space than others. Even white spaces have increasing pixel widths.

How to determine the pixel width of the title?

As you know, the length of a title is 512 pixels. But this is not the maximum length a title can have.

Why so ?

When a user searches for a certain keyword or phrase. The search engine will return results related to that keyword word or phrase.

At the same time, highlight words in title tags and description tags that match the user query.

Thus, the title will definitely be truncated if it is 512 pixels long.

Therefore, it is recommended that website administrators should leave about 10 reserved pixels. You should only use 472 – 482 pixels to write title tags.

You can check pixel width with the tool: Pixel Width Checker for Page Meta Titles

We have gone through the definition of “what is a title tag”, how to write title tags, optimize them, and mistakes to avoid. Hope it will bring you a lot of knowledge.

View: https://www.eliteblog.org/

Nguồn: https://eliteblog.org
Danh mục: Marketing

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